Mediumship/Akashic Records/Past Life Session/Quantum Timeline Access (45min)


Connect to your loved ones on the other side, access to your Akashic Records, access to quantum time lines, and past lives. My gift as a medium allows me access to these. Often I use cards and many times it is channeling. Get messages from your loved ones, guided information about past lives/karmic cycles/ soul contracts and information on how it's affecting your current life.

Also gain access to other versions of you/your soul on other timelines and quantum leaping into this time line.

This session is very deep and will give you clarity from your ancestors, guides, past lives, and divine guidance on a soul level. It's more than a reading, it's a divinely guided pathway to excel you to change your life.

Via Zoom/Live or in person @ Place of Kai, 12333 Veterans Memorial Highway, Douglasville, GA. Date will be confirmed via email for Zoom or In Person.

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Connect to your loved ones on the other side, access to your Akashic Records, access to quantum time lines, and past lives. My gift as a medium allows me access to these. Often I use cards and many times it is channeling. Get messages from your loved ones, guided information about past lives/karmic cycles/ soul contracts and information on how it's affecting your current life.

Also gain access to other versions of you/your soul on other timelines and quantum leaping into this time line.

This session is very deep and will give you clarity from your ancestors, guides, past lives, and divine guidance on a soul level. It's more than a reading, it's a divinely guided pathway to excel you to change your life.

Via Zoom/Live or in person @ Place of Kai, 12333 Veterans Memorial Highway, Douglasville, GA. Date will be confirmed via email for Zoom or In Person.

Connect to your loved ones on the other side, access to your Akashic Records, access to quantum time lines, and past lives. My gift as a medium allows me access to these. Often I use cards and many times it is channeling. Get messages from your loved ones, guided information about past lives/karmic cycles/ soul contracts and information on how it's affecting your current life.

Also gain access to other versions of you/your soul on other timelines and quantum leaping into this time line.

This session is very deep and will give you clarity from your ancestors, guides, past lives, and divine guidance on a soul level. It's more than a reading, it's a divinely guided pathway to excel you to change your life.

Via Zoom/Live or in person @ Place of Kai, 12333 Veterans Memorial Highway, Douglasville, GA. Date will be confirmed via email for Zoom or In Person.